Proposed funding cuts catastrophic: Help stop Hawke’s Bay becoming a backwater
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has begun public consultation on their 2024 – 2027 Three-Year Plan – a plan that would see Hawke’s Bay Tourism completely defunded over a period of two years, with significant funding cuts in the first year.
If the cuts go ahead, the effect on Hawke’s Bay’s visitor economy will be catastrophic. Hawke’s Bay Tourism would be forced to shut up shop in July with the lights going out on many iconic events, the end of Hawke’s Bay’s off-shore profile, and a flow-on hit to many local businesses and workers – not just in tourism. Hawke’s Bay will become a regional backwater.
Our visitor economy would contract by at least 20 percent – or $260 million – over the next three years. That will be disastrous for the 1 in 10 people employed in local tourism.
But this proposal doesn’t just threaten tourism businesses. The $1.3 billion of direct and indirect benefit to our regional economy spreads far and wide; with 80 percent going to non-tourism businesses across our communities and helping fund our local lifestyles.
For the economic and social prosperity of Hawke’s Bay, and for the future of local businesses and jobs, this cannot be allowed to happen.
Here’s what you can do
- Join our Board for a meeting of tourism, retail and hospitality businesses at 4pm, Tuesday 30 April, at Napier War Memorial Centre.
- Share this email with your own networks and encourage them to come to the meeting
- Make a submission on the HBRC 2024 – 2027 Three-Year Plan at in support of Option B. Submissions can be made until 15th May.
- Submit via email to
- Cc and
- Talk to your Regional Councillor in support of Option B.
- Attend a HBRC LTP drop in
- Use your contacts with local media to make your voice heard.
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